Fun things to do in Israel over Pesach
With lots of schools going on bein hazmanim and some parents visiting their GAP year kids, Pesach is the ideal time to explore the country and enjoy the chol hamoed holiday atmosphere. Here at Pack for Israel, we've collected a few articles about fun things to do this year on Pesach.
Love Love Israel - Pesach 2023!
This list includes tours, workshops and free ideas all over the country
Fun In Jerusalem - Pesach Events in Jerusalem
Focuses on Jerusalem and includes a detailed events calendar
Tourist Israel - Free Pesach Museums & Sites 2023
Includes a list of museums and sites opening for free over Pesach in 2022
Debbest Israel - Pesach Restaurants in Israel 2023
A comprehensive listing of kosher l'pesach restaurants all over Israel
Chag Kasher Ve'sameach from all of us at Pack for Israel