Guides, Tips & Free Resources for your GAP Year in Israel

Check out this amazing treasure trove of resources for your GAP year in Israel. Here you'll find, guides, tips and articles to help parents navigate their child's GAP year in Israel. Everything from your child's mental health to how much spending money they need. Some of these articles are written by experts in the field, while others are based on feedback from experienced GAP year parents as well as our own experience working with GAP year parents and students.

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The Complete Israel GAP Year Preparation Checklist

The Complete Israel GAP Year Preparation Checklist

After sending her first kid on GAP year and then getting ready to send her second child, Tracy Schultz realized that that there are no easily accessible  'to-do' lists to prepare for the year. Tracy took action and gathered feedback from other GAP year parents and students to compile this comprehensive preparation checklist for new GAP year parents.

Packing for Your Year In Israel - The Ultimate Guide

Packing for Your Year In Israel - The Ultimate Guide

This guide, filled with useful tips and tricks, is about the ‘how’ of packing and focuses on two questions: What types of things should I buy in Israel and what should I bring from home?


The Ultimate Packing List For Your GAP Year in Israel

The Ultimate Packing List For Your GAP Year in Israel

We're part of a great Facebook group of Israel GAP year parents. We've taken the feedback and comments from parents on that list and compiled the ultimate packing lists for seminary girls and Yeshiva boys.

6 Questions and Answers about Ordering for Israel

6 Questions and Answers about Ordering for Israel

We've been helping parents pack for Israel for many years and we often hear similar questions and concerns from our customers as the start of the year approaches. To help put your mind at ease, we've put together 6 of the most common questions and answers about ordering for Israel.

Israel Bound: A Parent's Handbook to Navigating your Child's GAP Year

Israel Bound: A Parent's Handbook to Navigating your Child's GAP Year

Everything from your child's mental health to how much spending money they need, this is the ultimate handbook for the Israel GAP year parent.

5 Reasons to Buy It In Israel

5 Reasons to Buy It In Israel

"Why can't I bring everything with me from the US?" "What's the reason to order some things from Israel?" "Maybe, I'll just pay for an extra bag". While there are some things (like most of your clothing) that are definitely worth bringing from home, there are a lot of reasons to order a lot of other things from Israel. Here are 5 of them...